OpenPlant Modeler Help

General Info

When you select the detailing style, a dialog with a tree structure appears on the left where the different dialog pages are sorted hierarchically in groups according to different areas.

When you click on an entry in the tree, the assigned dialog page opens on the right and you can modify the values. If you move to another entry, your previous entries are saved and the new page will be displayed.

To allow a clear view, some of the tabs have subordinate tabs themselves which are accessible via a button or via a context menu (right mouse key) and which are used for further settings. in most cases, these are settings which depend on the selection on the corresponding dialog tab.

The commands of the dialog frame are the ones all dialog tabs have in common. Only the new specific commands will be described here. The other commands are found in the general description of OpenPlant Modeler -dialogs.

Partial Loading of Style Parameters

If you want to combine e.g. the default settings for dimensioning and the default settings for labeling of two existing styles to a new style, you can do this by partial loading of pages.

Select the desired page in the selection tree and then call the context menu by pressing the right mouse button. Now you have the possibility to replace the parameters of the currently selected page by the equivalent parameters of an existing style file.

Alternatively, you can however also load all the pages subordinate to this page to replace a much bigger set of parameters.  

Importing and exporting style parameters

In addition to loading complete dialogue pages, you can also import and export the templates for complex dimension settings using OpenPlant Modeler templates. This gives you the option when creating a new style of referring to your own library of different dimensioning rules and using these rules multiple times. For more information please see the definition of dimension settings for detail styles.  

Standard templates

If no detail style has yet been applied to a drawing, a detail style is automatically created with standard values and simplified dimensioning rules when the DetailCenter is opened. Advanced rules can also be added to the dimensioning pages to load standard templates.

If you want to reset an existing detail style wholly or partially to this standard, you can do this using the standard templates for individual pages.

Select the desired page from the selection tree and right-click to open the Context menu. You can now replace the parameters of the currently selected page with the internal standard parameters (including for broader dimensioning). Alternatively, you can reset all the pages subordinate to that page or the complete detail style to standard values.

Dialog Controls

OK Closes the dialog and save your changes.
Help Opens online help.
Save Style Saves any changes that you made to the style. The complete detailing style is saved in a file on the hard drive. This file has the name of the style and the file ending *.stx. It is possible to load this file later into this or into another model or to transfer it to thirds.
Save Style As Saves the style as a new style. The detailing style is saved under another name on the hard drive. Your detailing style copy automatically gets the name of the style pre-set here as file name. It is possible to load this file later into this or into another model or to transfer it to thirds.
Update Preview Updates the view to reflect the modifications that you are editing. The preview detailing of a detail is calculated anew and updated if the window is open.

Within the DetailCenter you can look in a preview on the effects of a detailing style for detailing of a detail. Normally, this preview is automatically updated at each modification of the detailing style. However, if you have e.g. a very complex overview which requires a lot of time or if you want to modify a lot of parameters, you can switch off the automatic update and release it manually.

Restrict Detail Style Limits the detail style so that it can only be assigned to specific parts.